Monday, October 18, 2010

Cake Pops

A few posts ago I wrote about our visit to Bakerella.  The weekend before that I made my first cake pops.  I know, I'm kind of posting out of order but c'est la vie!  Anyway, turns out, cake pops are more difficult than I thought.  I had a feeling this might be the case so I didn't try to rush things. 

 I baked the cake ahead of time and let it cool overnight like Bakerella suggests.  The crumbling of the cake wasn't too bad and went pretty quickly.  Lola helped out.
The rest is kind of a blur.  I chose lemon cake and dark chocolate candy melts for the coating.  Two reasons for that:  1. I thought dark chocolate and lemon would go well together, and 2. I don't like lemon cake so I figured I'd be less tempted to eat them.  I mixed in the frosting with my Kitchenaid, which made it a lot easier, rolled them into balls and stuck them in the fridge.
After heating the candy melts and dipping I decide that next time I'm going to have to thin the mixture out with something.  They didn't turn out as smooth as I'd had like but it was a good first run!

Isaiah got to take a bunch to work because, really, what am I going to do with a bunch of experimental cake pops in a flavor I don't like?

And, of course, Lola did the taste-test!

My next cake pop challenge is making jack-o-lantern cake pops that are presentable enough for Halloween.  Wish me luck!


  1. Those Jack-o-lantern cake pops were delicious!! Thanks :)

  2. Waiting for my parcel of cake pops to arrive...
    Could be a UK first...
